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2012 Intl Green Construction Code

Sign up for the most comprehensive introductory course available on the web for the 2012 International Green Construction Code (IgCC). Just $29.
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【星宿】12 星座 9 月運勢
Aug 31st 2013, 05:29

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批踢踢實業坊 Bioindustry 板
100 Greatest Books on MP3

Get the 100 greatest books of all time preloaded on an MP3 player. Listen to the classics like Tom Sawyer, Moby Dick, Pride & Prejudice & 97 more. Less than $1 each.
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Re: [問題] 第一份工作的公司規模真的影響你一輩子?
Sep 1st 2013, 04:50, by dofs

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hTC內鬼案 恐衝擊新品出貨及股價表現
Aug 31st 2013, 15:26

【陳俐妏/台北報導】為力挽營運頹勢,宏達電(2498)今年推出「機皇」新hTC One系列,又傳與工信部協商,針對中國消費者開發新作業系統,為外界帶來想像空間;但hTC One系列首席設計師簡志霖等人竟爆A千萬元公款、甚至在外私設公司並涉嫌將圖形介面機密帶到中國展示,今遭收禁見,恐為宏達電後續新品研發埋下變數,周一股價亦將遭逢空襲。

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MSN 新聞 - 社會新聞
MSN 新聞 - 社會新聞 
Marketing Mobile Apps

This online course focuses on marketing efforts that will increase your app's exposure and establish a mobile app marketing plan. Enroll today for $99.
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直擊脫軌車廂 玻璃四散車門變形
Aug 31st 2013, 09:57

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批踢踢實業坊 ChungLi 板
100 Greatest Books on MP3

Get the 100 greatest books of all time preloaded on an MP3 player. Listen to the classics like Tom Sawyer, Moby Dick, Pride & Prejudice & 97 more. Less than $1 each.
From our sponsors
[問題] 群揚資通 宅急網 比較
Sep 3rd 2013, 16:06, by ss5

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